

The Institute is a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to the service of your growing awareness and to fostering an environment in which each individual may be stimulated to pursue his or her own true spiritual unfoldment, uninhibited by dogmatic concerns. To arouse a process of joyous living, creative genius, cooperation, health, prosperity, and universal service is to arouse the spiritual heart of the organization.

Believing that the search for your truth embodies a personal examination of all philosophies and religions, the Institute Experience seeks to provide the focal point for that search and a nurturing environment in which the evolution of your spiritual progression may be realized.

Offering a wide variety of growth experiences, the Institute and its well-trained professional staff provide the fulcrum where each may endeavor to explore and express the Truth as he or she understands it. The on-going and comprehensive series of study and development experiences in esoteric, metaphysical, occult, healing and personal growth are augmented by the spiritual fellowship, guidance and shared experiences, which are available. Needing only an openness to Truth, the seeker is then encouraged to pursue the expansion of awareness of his or her inner self through service, and to unfold in the arms of love the potential for perfection that lies awaiting within.

A Church for Metaphysical Living, the Institute seeks to provide a common ground in which souls passionate to grow may resolve the differences of mind and experience which appear to separate us and grow by sharing, in joy a well as in pain. The Institute is a shelter to nurture the best that is within us, a proving ground of our resolve, a place of peace, and hope, and light, and comfort, of work, of rest, of spiritual growth, of enlightenment.

Thus, with love do we greet you, and with hope do we grow with you . . . not by the efforts of one or a few, but by the energy of all.

Rev. James E. De Biasio, Spiritual Advisor and Founder


As a Mystical Church for Metaphysical Living, the purpose for which this Institute is organized is to provide the structure to practice, demonstrate and teach the spiritual truths, which express the Divine Unity of all things in Love, Order, and Justice. We find these truths to be revealed in all Sacred Scriptures, and manifest in the lives and teachings of all Holy Avatars, Prophets and Sages. Further, we affirm that it is through the process of Self Realization that humanity may actualize its inherent perfection.


  • We Acknowledge One God, the Eternal Essence - at once knowable and unknowable, manifest and unmanifest, simultaneous with and distinct from all creation - who is ever unfolding in the human mind through Eternal and Divine Principles.
  • We believe that each Individual has the purpose, obligation and personal responsibility to determine his or her own path through recognition of and communication with the Higher Self.
  • We believe that the purpose of Creative Manifestation is the unfolding of consciousness
  • We believe that the principles of Truth, Love and Understanding unite all persons, and the application of these principles in daily life constitutes true happiness and peace.
  • We believe that the search for the principles of truth embodies and examination of divergent philosophies and religions, and shall serve humanity to achieve unity and perfection through continuous growth
  • We believe that the gift of God to all is eternal life, and that the ultimate destiny of every human spirit is to return to perfect harmony with the Godhead from which is arose.
  • We acknowledge as our duty the task of acquainting humankind intellectually, emotionally, physical and spiritually with the truth made manifest in the individual consciousness.


  1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.
  2. We believe that Infinite Intelligence expresses Itself in all existence and in humanity as a manifestation of Divine Love.
  3. We affirm the unity of all life, everywhere.
  4. We believe in communion with all planes of existence, and that meaningful communication flows from this connection.
  5. We affirm the divine right of each individual to seek the Truth in accordance with their consciousness, and that living in harmony with that Truth defines true spirituality.
  6. We affirm that spiritual unfoldment is progressive and unending, and that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul.
  7. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the mandate: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
  8. We affirm the personal responsibility of the individual, and that we choose our happiness or unhappiness as we apply the Laws of the Universe.
  9. We affirm that life is eternal, and that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.
  10. We believe the ultimate expression of God in our life is unconditional love of our neighbors and ourselves.
  11. We accept that the living gifts of Prophecy and Healing, reported in all Sacred Scripture, are an affirmation of Divine Spirit working through us.


The Lotus Flower Symbol for the Institute expresses the Eternal Human yearning for spiritual enlightenment. With its roots in the mud, its stem in the water, its leaves and flower opening out to receive the celestial dew and the radiance of the sun, the Lotus embraces the four elements of creation and epitomizes the four levels of consciousness. It is from this form that we – the inheritors – take our radiant birth as Children of the Universe.

Ever conscious of the dynamic, creative and sustaining force within us, you are invited to unite your hand to ours in the Spirit of Family to engender the best hopes of humanity in ourselves, in our time and in our place. Dare to put aside the obstructions of self, the illusion of outward programming. Dare to live by concentrating on the things that unite us rather than the things that divide us. Dare to stretch beyond the comfortable limitations of the past to express by your life the immense beauty that lies within. Dare to be open responsive and responsible. Dare to be The Ambitious Violet of which Kahlil Gibran speaks: “Ambition beyond existence is the essential purpose of our being.”

ISDTC Lotus Flower Symbol photographed at McKee Botanical Garden, Vero Beach, FL by Constance Wilson, ISDTC Board of Director Secretary